Lotus Root with Peanuts Soup 莲藕花生汤


Lotus Root is effective in expelling heat, nourishes the body, cools the blood, eliminates bruises, improves appetite and stop diarrhea. Lotus Root from China is highly recommended to choose for preparing this soup. It taste more sweet when add in the peanuts and red dates and add in the dried cuttlefish to improve the aroma.


  • Prep Time : 5 min
  • Cook Time : 300 min
  • Ready Time : 5 hour, 5 min


4-6 Persons


  • 500 Grams Lotus Root
  • 150 Grams Peanuts
  • 50 Grams Dried cuttlefish
  • 250 Grams Pork Rib
  • 10 Red Dates
  • 3 Liters Hot Water
  • 1 1/2 Tea Spoons Salt


Step 1: Soaking the peanuts with water for about half to one hours.


Step 2: Rinse and cut the Lotus Root into slices.



Step 3: Rinse the red dates and cut it into 3.



Step 4: Rinse and cut the dried cuttlefish into small slices.



Step 5: Rinse the pork rib and scalding with hot water for the soup look swing clear later.


Step 6: Put in all the ingredients and 3 liter of  hot water into slow cooker (in high cooking mode) for 5 hours.

Step 7: After 5 hours, put in 1 & 1/2 teaspoons of salt and stir it evenly before serve.