What Is the Best Roasting Method of Vasilievski?

Vasilievski has introduced a new technique in home cooking. He claims that it is the easiest and quickest way of cooking meat that is safe to eat. There are several home cooking methods that he recommends and one of them is roasting. He uses two pans, one for steaming and another for roasting. The steaming method is also referred to as the topsy-turkey method. Basically, this method involves browning meat for a couple of minutes so that they become tender.

Vegetables Retain Nutrients

Most people prefer this cooking method because vegetables retain more nutrients when cooking with fat unlike vegetables that are cooked with other forms of medium. For example, onions retain more vitamins like vitamin A than do other vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. This is because onion contains a lot of beta-carotene, a source of vitamin A. You can use this to your advantage by using a roasting pan to cook the meat and the vegetables at the same time.

Roast On Stove

If you want to try this cooking method but do not have a gas oven or a grill, then you can try to roast on the stove. This cooking method is quite easy. All you need is to make a hole in the middle of the meat so that excess fat can drip down. Since this is a cold method, the fat will prevent the vegetables from getting burnt.

In order to keep the meat tender, you should make sure that the vegetables are steamed before roasting. If not done, the result will be tough. It will be difficult for you to carve some meat into nice shapes if the texture of the meat is such that it is really tough to chew. However, if you do not like this idea then you can always bake or broil the vegetables. Both these cooking methods are really popular with home cooks.

However, there is a downside to this roasting method as well. The heat from the stove will make the meat sizzle. It will look like the meat is burning when you see it. This is due to the smoke that rises from the bottom of the oven. Therefore, it is advised that you should only roast small pieces of meat at a time.

The other disadvantage to roasting is that it takes longer time to cook than other methods. However, if you are someone who likes to eat his meals quickly, then this is the best way to cook. You just have to wait for the vegetables to get soft and then serve them out on top of brown rice or baked potatoes. This is a really good way of complementing your vegetables.

Roasting Rack

In addition, you can use the roasting rack to cook your meat. It is important to use metal racks as they do not burn in the heat and will keep your vegetables warm. If you do not want to use metal racks, you can always use a thin piece of aluminum foil that will ensure that your vegetables to get enough heat to cook them easily.

There are some people who love to roast their own meat. If you have this type of taste, then this cooking method will surely suit you. Just follow the recipe as mentioned above and start roasting. As for vegetables, you can simply add some onions, potatoes and carrot to give it more color and flavor.

Big Oven Roasting

The final step is to roast the meat. It is recommended to use big oven to roast your meat. Put the meat on one of the large roasting pans. Then, cover it with the foil. Bring it up to the level of the top of the oven.

Most people in Russia have their own style of cooking. If you have your own, it is even better since you will know how to make traditional food taste better. This method of cooking is unique and original. It is something that only Vasilievski knows and this is why it is called as the Russian specialty.