5 Color Nutritious Soup 五色营养汤


According to nutritionist, everyday we need to have at least 5 colors vegetable for a healthy diet. This 5 colors nutritious soup was the best combination and easy preparation for cook too. This soup is sweet and cooling. It also enhances appetite and strengthens the spleen. Potato is rich in Vitamin C and does not contain any fat. Vitamin C is an effective anti-oxidant and improve the immune system.


  • Prep Time : 5 min
  • Cook Time : 250 min
  • Ready Time : 4 hour, 15 min


4-6 Persons


  • 1 Sweet Corn
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 Potato
  • 1 Tomatoes
  • 1 Onion
  • 100 Grams Salted Vegetable *** (渣菜)
  • 10 Chicken Feet
  • 3 Liters Water
  • 1 tea spoon Salt


Step 1: Cut the sweet corn, carrot, potato, tomatoes, onion and salted vegetable (渣菜) into cube size.



Step 2: Rinse and ready 10pieces chicken feet.


Step 3: Mix all the ingredients into a 3 liters boiling water, bring to boiling. Then reduce to low heat and cook for 4 hours. Put in some salt then ready to serve.