A Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Cooking

What does a “burnt” look like when it comes to healthy cooking? I don’t want to hear about how your favorite restaurant cooked that meal, but I do want to know. Burnt means different things to different people.

In this article we are going to focus on healthy cooking in the context of a stove-top process, so let’s start with a basic understanding about cooking. A cook is a person who creates a tasty and flavorful meal by using the most natural of ingredients, often from local fresh markets where they grow. It’s a very satisfying and healthy way to spend your time, and I love to prepare meals from scratch for my family.

1. Preparation

The first step to home cooking that any cook should understand is preparation. As a cook you should always know what’s going into your meal before you start cooking. Home cooking should be about planning, and about spending time researching about the best ingredients to use, the best method of cooking them, and then about keeping them warm as they cook. A healthy food should be cooked at a pace that is comfortable to you and doesn’t burn a lot of calories or send you running around with a fork and spoon. You don’t need fancy gadgets or gimmicks to get great home cooking results, just some patience and the right tools.

2. Taste

Next you should focus on taste. When you cook healthy food, you want the people who are eating it to love it. The last thing you want is to take a healthy food and ruin it by adding too much sugar or unhealthy fats, or by cutting out the nutritious ingredients completely. This will leave you with a delicious but largely unappetizing meal that probably isn’t healthy in the first place. You’re better off leaving the health issues to someone else than making a poor decision while you’re cooking.

3. Ingredients

Now once you have decided on the best ingredients for your stew, you can decide whether or not it’s a good idea to get the ingredients ready for use. You might want to make a mental note that items like stock, bacon drippings, and onions should be prepared well ahead of time. It might also be a good idea to put in your vegetable choppers before you start cooking so that you can make your own stock. Having prepared items ready and available will help you spend more time working in the kitchen rather than standing there waiting for the other ingredients to come to you.

4. Clean Cooking Area

One last thing that you should do is to keep your cooking area clean. There is nothing more disgusting than an unhealthy kitchen. Your guests will notice the lack of health even before they try any of your recipes, so be sure to always be cleaning up and washing dishes after every meal. Cleaning up often helps you maintain good health, so make sure that you stick to this habit! A healthy kitchen is a happy kitchen! A healthy chef makes for a great cook.