Cooking Healthy With Pan Broiling

It’s safe to say that no one likes to eat pan broiling. For some, it’s a real pain, especially if you are under the gun with the kids or competing with a crowd for a free meal. But when done correctly, and as a healthy alternative to traditional cooking methods, broiling can be quite delicious. Here are some easy to follow pan broiling cooking techniques that you can incorporate in your next get together, or on your next lunch hour.

Why Pan Broiling Is Healthier

1. Not Oily

First off, I’d like to talk about why I think pan broiling is healthier than regular frying. In frying, oils can transfer onto the food and into your food, where they can then start to accumulate and develop bad health issues. With pan broiling, the oil only touches the food, so the chances of it getting transferred onto you, or your food, are minimal. Plus, with a regular frying pan, the oils can soak up your clothing or get on you in other ways.

2. Avoid Overheat

Second, when it comes to broiling, you want to cook your meats directly on the hot plate, or stove, burner, rather than warming it up on the oven or range. The reason I say this is because you don’t want to over-heat your skillet, or broiler, because you will end up burning the center of the meat. If you do, your meat will be tough and rubbery, and you’ll either have to throw the meat away, or cook it partially, which is never a good way to eat it. Cooking on the stove will result in burning, and the bottom part of your meat will end up raw and tougher. This is what happens when you cook your meats directly on the hot plate or stove.

3. See The True Texture

One of the best things about pan broiling, is that it gives you a chance to see the true texture and flavor of your steak. Most people just flip their steaks on the grill or oven. They’re not paying attention to how they are cooking their steak. When you cook your steak directly on the hot plate, you can look at the color, texture and bite of your steak. It’s going to be darker and more pinkish in color, if you have a rare steak, while a common steak will be more gray in color.

4. Higher Nutritional Value

Another great thing about pan broiling is that you can use your imagination to up the flavor factor. Instead of cooking your steak on the hot plate, you can also cook it on a hot plate, in an oven, over a dry-heat cooking method. This will give your steak an even higher nutritional value and will make for healthier cooking in general.

5. More Affordable

Another great thing about pan-broiling is that it is more affordable than most conventional methods. Using a grill to cook steak is expensive, and doesn’t offer as many healthy options as a good pan-broiling will. You can cook many different cuts of meat on a grill, but with a good pan broiler, you can cook all your steaks at the same time, and have tender, healthy steak. If you have a gas grill at home, this is a great way to cook some food outdoors without having to clean up the grill.

6. Taste Different Way

The other great thing about pan broiling is that you can get a taste of the food you are cooking in a completely different way. You can take a piece of meat and cook it on the hot plate in its own juice, and taste the juices. This isn’t the case with most types of cooking food. With pan broiling, when you put the meat on the hot plate, you can taste the juices from the inside of the meat.

7. Higher Fat Content

A popular thing about pan-broiled meats is that they tend to have a higher fat content than other cuts of meat. This can be a good thing if you are trying to lose weight or stay healthy while eating your meals. It is not something that you want to be doing constantly, however, as it can actually be unhealthy. If you are concerned about your health while on a diet, make sure that you focus on eating only healthy foods and take fat-free diets in place. This can help you find a healthy way to enjoy your meals and still keep your diet under control.