Easy Steak Cooking Tips

Grilling is one of the best steak cooking tips. It is so simple and easy to do, that almost anyone can do it. It only takes a steak or two to do it and the result will be tender meat with great taste. It does not matter how much you know about cooking because even a beginner can do it if they have a good cut of beef and some seasoned oil.

Apply Butter On Hot Coals

Steak cooking tips include grilling steaks on hot coals. The secret here is to apply butter. There are different kinds of butter that you can apply such as garlic butter, grapeseed oil and even bacon fat. This is what will create the marinade for the steak. This will make the steak more tender and make it more tasty. In most cases, the steak should be cooked to the internal temp of about 170 degrees F or just slightly below because when the steak is cooked to this degree, the juices become very rich and the steak goes from a medium rare to a steak.

Use Filet Mignon

One of the most popular and easy steak cooking tips is to use a filet mignon. Filet mignon is one of the most popular cuts of beef. It is also a very good cut for home cooking. Most of us eat steak lovers know this very well. There are many people who prefer this kind of steak over other types.

Room Temperature

Another of the steak tips is to cook the meat to room temperature. Room temperature means around the meats internal temperature. We all know that steaks need to be cooked to around 160 degrees or just slightly lower to ensure that they are tender. When we make adjustments to this, we get more steak.

How to give you the perfect steak texture is by cooking it to its optimum cooking temperature. You should not wait until it is completely done to bring it to that temperature. Although you may think that it is finished when it reaches 160 degrees, it is not. The internal temperature may have reached its boiling point. Remove it from the grill and allow it to come back to room temperature.

Doneness Of Steak

How you determine the doneness of your steak is what makes the difference. You will notice that some steak are more pink in color, while others may be darker. It is best to go by what your palates will prefer.

Little Structure

A well aged, properly prepared steak has very little structure and is very soft in texture. This is another one of the steak tips that you might not like, but it is one of the most important. The more structure you add to the meat the more delicious it will be. Some steak lovers don’t care for sirloin. They find it too tough. For those of us who enjoy sirloin, I suggest you sear the meat briefly to help loosen the insides and then finish the steak off using a medium rare or medium high heat.

Brush to Remove Excess Juices

A good cooking tip for this part of the steak is to always use a brush to remove any excess juices from the meat. If there is an abundance of juice in the meat, it will dry out the meat. This will also affect the texture. Any juices left in the meat will actually rob the natural flavor of the meat. A dryer piece of meat will have less flavor than a moister piece.

Marinade Your Steak

To help add flavor to steaks without adding extra fat, you can add sauce or marinade to the mix. There are several different types of marinades, including barbecue, Mexican, Asian and Greek. You can even make your own. Simply take a cup of lighter fluid, a steak, and a small amount of olive oil and create your own marinade.

With A Skillet

Cooking steaks in a skillet is usually the easiest way to prepare them. With a skillet, you can cover the steaks with the drippings from the cooking food. Or, you can put the skillet into the oven at medium low heat. Depending on the thickness of your steak, you can either add the butter or no butter, or you can add the butter and leave it to brown on the outside while you do the insides.

Light Brown Sugar

In order to maintain the pink coloring in your steak, use light brown sugar instead of white one. This will produce a lighter fluid, which helps to seal in the juices. And for those that are watching their waistlines, try grilling a single steak rather than grilling two seared pieces.