How to Cook Steaks? 3 Quick Tips

Learning how to cook simmering steak is a step by step process that will help you create healthy meals that taste great. When you learn how to cook steaks properly, it allows you to make a meal that is healthy and tasty at the same time. To get started with this cooking method, I am going to give you some simple tips.

1. Determine the Quality of Meat

One of the first things that you have to do is to determine the quality of meat that you are going to be using. You want to select healthy cuts of meat such as flank steak or tenderloin. These cuts of meat tend to be healthier and they also give out a better tasting flavor than more “red” meats. If you are serious about learning how to cook steak, I recommend going out and purchasing a good quality cut of meat. If you can afford it, I suggest that you cook your own meat because you can ensure that the meat is really fresh.

2. Marinate The Steak

Another important thing to keep in mind when learning how to cook steak is the fact that you should marinate the steak before you begin to cook it. Steaks need to be marinated in liquid for up to an hour before you begin to cook them. I know that this sounds like a long process, but it is very important because it will allow the steak to soak up the flavors from the marinade. This makes for a much tastier dish. In addition, the soaking process will help to keep your steak healthier because the marinade will lock in the juices that would normally run off into the juicer.

The next tip that you will want to keep in mind when learning how to cook steak is to keep the steak moist while it is cooking. Steaks will typically take around four hours to cook, depending on the recipe that you are using. It is not a bad idea at all to put the steak on the grill for a little bit first to help it cook faster, but you need to make sure that it is done properly. To help make sure that the meat is properly cooked and that you don’t end up with dry meat, you can put the steak in a pot of water or stock and cover it up until it is completely done. This will help the meat cook more evenly and help to avoid dry spots on the outside.

3. Keep Temperature Appropriate

When cooking a steak at home, it is important to make sure that you keep the temperature appropriate. A good rule of thumb is to give the steak about one inch of room around the edges. You don’t want to over cook the steak because you will have raw meat that is falling off the bone. Instead, you want to make sure that you give it about half of an inch of room so that the steak is moist and doesn’t dry out quickly.

4. Make Sure The Heat Not Very Hot

One of the most important tips on how to cook steaks? If you are going to use a pot or pan on the stove to cook your steak, you want to make sure that the pan or pot does not get very hot. The reason that this is important is because you do not want to sear the steak. The only reason that steaks will need to be seared is if you are going to use a barbecue sauce or sear the meat directly on the outside. The problem with doing this is that the outside of the steak will become very dark and the inside of the steak will end up raw and not delicious.

5. Don’t Turn The Steak

When learning how to cook steaks, another important tip to remember is to make sure that you do not turn the steak. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, but rolling the steak makes it tougher on the interior. You want to take the knife and move it in a circle around the outside of the steak. If you simply turn the steak, you will end up with raw spots and the steak will not cook evenly. In addition to this, if you do turn the steak, it will become dry and you will have a tough steak.

6. Let Your Steak Rest

When learning how to cook steaks, another important tip that you need to consider is to let your steak rest for a while after you finish cooking it. Steaks will continue to cook even after they are cooked. You want to let the steak rest for at least one more minute so that it can rest and seal in the juices from cooking. The best way to make this happen is to let the steak rest in a cool place like a refrigerator. Once you remove it from the refrigerator, allow it to rest for about thirty minutes so that the juices can lock in.