The Basic Cooking Techniques For Beginners

Learning basic cooking techniques can be very helpful in preparing healthy meals for your family. With a little bit of practice, you will learn that there are several methods for cooking different kinds of foods. For instance, there are differences between cooking meat and fish and preparing different dishes with beans, rice, and vegetables or dessert. However, there are many common techniques that apply to all kinds of food.

Which Are Simplest Cooking Techniques?

Basic cooking techniques include heating, browning, baking and simmering. This is probably the quickest and simplest cooking method and doesn’t need the use of several spices. When baking, cook food from the inside out, usually at the boil of the pan. Steaming, however, involves cooking in a hot water bath, usually for only a few minutes. Use a small steamer basket or mesh pot to steam vegetables and to saute meats. Other techniques that can be used when cooking are roasting and frying.

Basic cooking techniques for most recipes start with the ingredients and cooking tools. If it’s possible, choose the best containers possible for the amount of food you are making. The proper containers allow food to steam without losing its shape. It’s important that you don’t stack pans in the same pan, as the edges may burn easily. If using a mesh pot, it is helpful to turn the vegetables periodically so that they don’t get overcooked.

Deep Frying

A few basic cooking techniques are more involved. Deep-frying fish is a popular technique used by many restaurants. In deep-frying food, avocado is usually used as a dressing. Avocado is also used in many stir-frying recipes, but it’s not recommended to use too much avocado because it can change the texture of the food. If you decide to deep Fry food, always have avocado on hand.


One of basic cooking techniques for recipes is boiling. Boiling is often used for soups or for dishes that have a lot of ingredients, such as pasta and stew. The method of boiling depends on what the dish is to be made out of. When using boiling as a cooking method, it’s important to keep a close eye on the ingredients and make sure everything is mixed thoroughly.


One of basic cooking techniques is sauteing. When using a sauteed vegetable or a raw meat, try to blend the flavors together well. To create a rich flavor in a raw meat dish, brown the meat in butter or oil before adding it to the pan. When cooking chicken, use a small amount of olive oil and toss in the chicken in the oil.


A very famous technique is blanching. Blanching vegetables to remove the liquid from them and to preserve their taste is an old-time favorite. You can create a delicious and lip-smacking dish when you use a blender and blanch the vegetables in water to remove most of the liquid. Or, you may wish to use the cold procedure of boiling and then strain to get rid of the solids. Blanching as well as other boiling techniques are important for ensuring that foods are tender enough to eat, while retaining a high degree of their flavor.


A few cooking techniques for recipes are roasting and barbecuing, and both require varying degrees of heat and temperatures. Roasting uses a pan and a hot flame to cook food evenly. Barbecuing, meanwhile, means that you use a spit, which creates an open fire in the center of a pit, creating an awesome atmosphere for roasting food. These methods can be used for either outdoor or indoor grilling. Ovens also provide a dry heat that works best for baking and for roasting.