What is the Number One Healthiest Food in the World?

What is the number 1 healthiest food in the world? Most people will say the Chinese food, but is that really healthy? The Chinese have long been known for their amazing health benefits, but are they truly “the” healthiest food in the world? It’s time we started to think objectively about what makes up the best food from all around the world.

Healthy Chinese Food?

The first thing we have to decide is what we mean by “what is the number 1 healthiest food in the world?” Most people would probably answer “healthy Chinese food.” It’s easy, it’s popular, and it tastes good. We all know that Chinese food is delicious. The truth is that most traditional Chinese dishes lack nutritional value and are far from healthy. For example, most people don’t realize that one serving of chicken, one single egg, and two tablespoons of beef fat contains the same amount of vitamins and minerals as a hamburger without being as tasty!

Obviously, the best way to avoid such poor nutrition is not to consume any Chinese food at all. But that’s not realistic, is it? Everyone knows that most fast food chains are trying to get more people to eat healthier and live longer, so they’ve definitely stepped up their game. In addition, there are many “healthiness” books available to help Americans make the switch to eating healthier. So while we’re at it, let’s talk about some of the other foods that are considered to be the healthiest in the world.

Fruits and Vegetables

Let’s start with fruits and vegetables. In this country, depending on where you live, a midweek getaway might include a trip to a local farm market and a sit down meal of fresh, pesticide-free fruits and veggies. Yes, this might take a bit of time and effort, but it will be worth it in the end. And believe it or not, this type of healthy food is surprisingly affordable.

Healthy Pasta

Speaking of affordable, we can’t forget healthy pasta! While pasta might seem like an easy food to overeat, the fact is that it can be full of fat, calories, and unhealthy ingredients! However, if you head to Italy, you can enjoy fresh wholemeal pasta in a delicious sauce that is healthy and good for you.

Speaking of Italian food, pizza is definitely the number one healthiest food in the world. If you haven’t tried pizza yet, trust me when I say that you’re missing out on a lot of tasty and healthy options. From the classic prosciutto to the cheese stuffed sandwich, there are plenty of delicious options for those with a sweet tooth. If you’re anything like me, you probably have a weakness for cheesy baked treats.

Grilled Chicken

Another great alternative to pizza is grilled chicken. Gather up your favorite sides like spicy buffalo wings or sweet caramelized onions and make a day of healthy chicken parmesan. You can also get grilled fish, pork loin, and other healthy alternatives to meat that are easy to prepare and easy to clean up afterward. When it comes to what is the number one healthiest food in the world, I have to admit that nothing beats the combination of vegetables and fruits. The earthiness of fresh vegetables mixed with the tangy, acidic flavor of apples and carrots is hard to beat.

Fresh Fruit Dessert

For dessert, fresh fruit is always the perfect choice. The taste is often more crisp and refreshing than that of ice cream or sorbet. And speaking of drinks, one of the number one healthiest foods in the world is water. The simple act of drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day will do wonders for your health and help you avoid the plague of what is the number one healthiest food in the world.